PortraitaRobert Salmon, Ex VP de l’Oréal 

Chemical Engineer and MBA from INSEAD,

Robert Salmon has been the architect of L'Oréal Luxury Divisions during his 37 years in the Group, where he ended as Senior Vice President for Luxury Division and head of Group Strategy.

While heading the world operations at l'Oréal for perfumes and cosmetics, he developped the largest portfolio of luxury/fashion brands under license in the industry (with among other Armani, Ralph Lauren, Lancome...).

Since he left l'Oréal, Robert has been a key advisor to most of the largest luxury groups in the world, thanks to his impressive network of  professional contacts and personal friendships.

Robert brings his world class expertise, recognized as such for all domains related to the luxury industry, as well as his intimate knowledge of many local markets, where he so successfully implanted l'Oréal perfume and cosmetics businesses.

Based in Geneva, Robert spends most of his time travelling throughout the world, for his own businesses or for his clients.

He gives regular lectures all over the planet, and is the author of several best-sellers, among which: 
L'Intelligence compétitive Les nouvelles technologies de l'information et l'entreprise Sauver demain

See interview with Swiss TSR